As workplaces begin to open, it’s only natural that you’ll feel a mix of excitement and slight concern. Excitement due to returning to the office and work resuming as normal and concern as to how social distancing will be carried out and how you can keep yourself safe. There’s a lot of information out there on how to keep yourself safe and it’s useful to take note and have as much knowledge on this subject as possible. To make it easier, we’ve listed 5 ways in which you can apply social distancing to your day to day life, in and outside of the office. Keep your distanceKeeping your distance goes without saying. But the 2m social distancing rule has been implemented for a reason, and that’s to keep us all as safe as possible. In addition to the 2m distance, it’s important to note that you should avoid handshakes and bodily contact, sharing closed spaces like lifts and rearranging the lay out of the office to provide safely spaced work zones. Office LayoutIt’s not often you’ll have the chance or time to move your office around, so using this time to have a clear out and office change round could be a good idea. When restructuring your office be sure to spread the desks out and plan for less people in a space to ensure the 2m guidelines are met. In addition to the layout, adding social distancing screening, such as acrylic freestanding and desktop dividers will separate desks whilst giving visibility and a wipe clean surface. Eliminate MeetingIt’s no secret that some workplaces need meetings or just love to have them. However, now is not the time to have numerous employees in an enclosed space. If a meeting is needed, we’ve been opened up to popular online platforms which allow you to connect with others and hold a professional meeting allowing you to cover all the topics of the day. Stay Away From Canteen areasLunch time is a great time of day as you know you’re halfway through the day and get to enjoy some nice food. Staying away from the canteen and bringing a packed lunch will allow you to reduce contact with others and ensures you stay in your own bubble without coming into contact with too many people. Avoid public transportWhilst this isn’t linked to the workplace, travelling by public transport to work has many risks not just for you, but for your colleagues too. Where possible using your car or bike is the safest and first choice when it comes to travelling. By ditching the tube or car shares, you’ll lower the risk of getting ill and spreading any bacteria and germs into the office. | |