Cambridge Minibus
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The Advantages of Robotic Cargo Hold Cleaning

The dry bulk sector will be helped in its hold cleaning operations by a safe and environmentally friendly robot technology that reduces cargo contamination risk and lowers cleaning expenses.

Seafarers will benefit from the Vertidrive technology’s increased productivity and safety precautions during cargo hold cleaning, considering this is a difficult procedure. With the help of technology, problems with surveyors who don’t follow the rules and with charter parties will be lessened and made better.

Cost-Effectiveness Ratios

When washing and scrubbing the hull, operators often have to buy hundreds of liters of powerful cleaning chemicals and use several crew members in safety gear and harnesses to reach the hardest-to-reach areas.

Instead of using toxic chemicals or a large crew, the cargo hold cleaning robot uses its revolutionary design to reach 80 to 100 percent of the hold.There is a return on investment with each clean that is performed, with incremental returns when additional cleanings are done since chemicals aren’t used, cleaning time is shorter, and crew participation is minimized.

Saving Time and Avoiding Delays

Based on the size of the ship and the state of the cargo, the Vertidrive robot may clean a hold in four to eight hours and cut cleaning time by up to 50% compared to conventional techniques. This procedure is particularly crucial since it needs considerably fewer crew members, lowering the overall amount of time spent working on it. The time savings are considerably greater when moving very filthy goods, such as coal, concentrates, or coke.

Cargo holds that aren’t properly cleaned might result in expensive damage. The robot helps to mitigate this danger. Cargo damage claims from receivers may be minimized thanks to the Vertidrive robot’s reduced risk of contamination. Inspectors have accepted the cargo hold, which makes it less likely that there will be delays during inspections or problems with the charter party.

Benefits to the Safety and Environment

The safety of the crew has always been a top priority for ship owners, operators, and management. However, the shipping industry is now focusing more and more on reducing its carbon footprint.

An ecologically friendly and safer method of cargo hold cleaning may be found with the Vertidrive robot. For crew members, the Vertidrive robot reduces exposure to harmful chemicals by almost eliminating the need for them. As a result, toxic substances that would otherwise be dumped into the ocean in massive quantities might be kept out of the water.

Because there is no need to hang crew members on harnesses from the hatch coaming, the chance of crew members being hurt is considerably decreased. Using the Vertidrive robot also gets rid of the need for heavy, expensive chemical safety gear that is hard to move around.